Challenge Name: catch me if you can

Mohamed Samir
4 min readSep 25, 2024


first of all this is our target:

So we Need to brute force the directories to discover any important path.

I’ll Use ffuf (Fuzz Faster U Fool):

ffuf -u -w /path/to/wordlist.txt

So We ‘ve got this Response:

robots.txt | index.php | flag.php | source.php

So, let’s use every single path in our target url and see the result:

User-agent: *

Disallow: /S3cr3t.php

Disallow: /source.php

So, Let’s Try → S3cr3t.php

mmmm, Intersting but let’s check → source.php before we interact with that page :)

We ‘ve got these codes:




if (strpos( $password, ‘R_4r3@’)!== FALSE){

if (!preg_match(‘/^-?[a-z0–9]+$/m’, $password)) {


echo $cipher;
echo ‘Wrong Password’;



  • The script checks if the submitted password contains the substring 'R_4r3@'.
  • If it does, it checks that the password contains only lowercase letters, numbers, and an optional hyphen at the start.
  • If both conditions are met, it outputs a secret value (stored in $cipher).
  • If the password fails any of these checks, it either displays Wrong Password or ILLEGAL CHARACTERS based on the failure.

Let’s Try to login with 'R_4r3@' and see what’s gonna happen:

why it gave us this response ‘ILLEGAL CHARACTERS’ ?

'R_4r3@' contains characters that will fail the regular expression check (because R, _, and @ are not allowed).

Understanding the Regex /^-?[a-z0-9]+$/m:

  • The password must contain only lowercase letters and numbers. So, it cannot include the substring 'R_4r3@' without triggering the ILLEGAL CHARACTERS response.

strpos() Function:

  • strpos() will only check if the substring exists in the password. However, it does not require the password to only contain 'R_4r3@', so you might be able to add this substring in a way that passes both checks.

So Now We Need to bypass this Restricted Area, So I’m gonna give the javascript code that was given in the source.php path and I’m gonna ask him to how to bypass it and I ‘ve got this payload : test%0AR_4r3@

So let’s try it by using Curl Tool:

curl -d “pass=test%0AR_4r3@”

  • The test%0AR_4r3@ password adds a newline (%0A) between test and R_4r3@.
  • This exploits the logic of the script, making the strpos() function match 'R_4r3@', while allowing the rest of the password (test) to pass the regex check.

So we found something here will lead us to the flag!

Can You Read This For Me ? <br><br>-[ — — — ->+<]> — -.++++++. — — — — — — . — [ — ->+<]> — -.[ — — ->+<]>.[ — ->++<]>.>-[ — — ->+<]>.>-[ — ->+<]> — .[ — ->+<]>+++. — . — [->+++++<]>+. — -[ →+++<]> — .+[ — — ->+<]>.++[++> — -<]>.+[->++<]>. — — -.+[ — ->++<]>+. — [ — — ->+<]>-.>-[ — — ->+<]>.+.> — [ →+++<]>.

It’s Called Brainfuck Code, So let’s find some tool to decode it.

and this is our flag: FL@g{R3Str1Ct1d_Ar34

Congrats my bro :)



Mohamed Samir
Mohamed Samir

Written by Mohamed Samir

second-year Computer Science | Web PenTester | Offensive | Software Tester Trainee at @CLS Learning Solutions | CTF Player at THM | Top 4% on tryhackme

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